Welcome to Room to Bloom LLC and thank you for choosing us as your Professional Organizers. Before we begin, it is important to review these Terms and Conditions as they outline some of the rules and regulations for the use of our services. As a professional organizing company, we value you and your growth during this process and look forward to working with you. By engaging Room to Bloom, you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions in full.


  • We strive to serve our clients with integrity, competence, and objectivity, and will treat them with respect and courtesy.

  • We will advertise our services in an honest manner and will represent the organizing and productivity profession accurately.

  • We will keep confidential all confidential or proprietary client information, both business and personal, that we encounter in the course of providing services, including that which may be revealed by other professional organizers and productivity consultants.

  • We will use proprietary client information only for purposes of providing the organizing services or with the client's permission.



  • Client agrees to provide access to the premises that are subject to the organizing services at all of the agreed-upon times.

  • Clients are required to be on time and present during organizing sessions and to assist with the projects, unless otherwise agreed. Any other adult age 18 years old and over whose space is being affected (i.e. family member) should be present for the initial consultation.

  • It is very important that clients and the Organizers focus on the session. Therefore, clients must make arrangements for handling incoming phone calls, re-directing visitors, childcare, etc. so that sessions are not interrupted.


  • Service rates are outlined in our pricing assessment and in the Client Contract and are subject to change with notice. The client agrees to make timely payments for all services and products provided. Services requested or provided that are in addition to the initial assessment are subject to an additional charge.

  • Payment for all organizing services are due in full upon invoicing by Room to Bloom and payment for all supplies is the client’s financial responsibility.

  • Payments can be made via cash, check, or credit card (a 3.0 % fee is added for credit card payments).

  • Both Room to Bloom and the client have the right to terminate this contract and the parties’ business relationship at any time, subject to any applicable cancellation fees..  In the event of termination, the Client remains responsible to pay and shall pay for all services rendered by Room to Bloom up to the date of termination. 

  • Room to Bloom LCC may terminate the contract due to disruption of service on the part of the client. Disruption of service includes, but is not limited to: repeated appointment changes and cancellations, refusal or failure to cooperate in the provisions of the services, verbal abuse, acts or threats of physical harm, and refusing reasonable requests.

  • If full payment for the services is not received within three days of invoicing, a 10% late fee will be applied to the total balance. A 10% late fee will accrue every day after the balance is paid off in full.

  • Deposits:

    • Room to Bloom requires a 25% or 50% non-refundable deposit based on the size and timeline of the project. 

    • Room to Bloom reserves the right to choose the amount of the deposit requirement and will confirm with the client the required deposit amount. 

    • If Room to Bloom does not receive the deposit 24 hours before the first date of the project, Room to Bloom reserves the right to refuse service.


  • Your time is very important to us and we know you feel the same. When a client books an appointment with us, that time slot is reserved exclusively for them and becomes unavailable for anyone else to use. We understand that life happens! Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to change your service date, and we will do the same. If cancellations or rescheduling requests are not made prior to 48 hours before the scheduled service, a service fee in the amount of $75  may be incurred. This fee may be waived or adjusted at Room to Bloom’s sole discretion

  • Failure to show up for a session will result in a charge for the full session and the client is required to pay the charge for the full session in the event the client terminates the session early.


  • For the safety of clients and organizers, the professional organizing team will only lift and move what they personally feel they are capable of moving. Otherwise, the client is responsible for engaging and paying others to move, remove or dispose of items as part of the organizing process..

  • Clients are expected to treat Room to Bloom personnel with respect. Room to Bloom reserves the right to terminate services at any time.

  • Room to Bloom reserves the right to refuse to work in an area or with any items that may be hazardous.

  • The client agrees to:

    • Ensure a safe working environment.

    • Firearms and weapons: please take care to remove these items from any space we work in and secure them somewhere else safely.

    • Pets: for the safety of your pet(s) and our Organizers, please secure your pets away from the area to be organized.

    • Children: for their safety, children should not be present in or around the organizing work site.

    • Disclose any information that may affect the organizing process, including but not limited to allergies, sensitivities, or special needs.



  • Room to Bloom respects client confidentiality. All nonpublic personal information and details about the client’s property will be kept confidential and will not be shared with third parties without the client’s consent.


  • We do our best to research quality, sustainable, functional and aesthetically pleasing organizing items. Materials obtained for the purposes of organization are believed to be reliable, but Room to Bloom does not guarantee or warrant their effectiveness or lifetime. 

  • Room to Bloom will consult with the client, provide advice and guidance, but the client is ultimately responsible for the final decisions. The client accepts full responsibility for all decisions made during or outside the organizing session including, but not limited to: purging, sorting, organizing, and any consequences thereafter.

  • We will not throw anything out without the client’s permission. We help the client make decisions, but the final decision is always the client’s. Room to Bloom is not liable or responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the removal, discarding or destruction of any records or personal effects. The client agrees to make final decisions about disposition of items.

  • Room to Bloom is not responsible for handiwork, cleaning, furniture assembly, moving heavy furniture etc. 

  • Room to Bloom is not responsible for the removal or disposal of trash, donations or items destined for another location.

  • We strive to meet the client’s satisfaction level. It is our responsibility to analyze your situation, teach you appropriate new skills and help you make the changes you want. If the client believes that Room to Bloom has failed to reasonably fulfill the organizing plan agreed to between the parties, the client must inform Room to Bloom via email (to hello@roomtobloomco.com) within two business days of session completion. Please describe in detail what work or parts of the project were not completed or satisfactorily executed. Failure to make a claim within two business days constitutes an acceptance by the client of Room to Bloom’s completed work.


  • Room to Bloom has only two employees, the owners, Jaclyn Wamberg and Jennifer Wazny. It is therefore understood that all other personnel working with Room to Bloom are subcontractors and work for other companies outside of Room to Bloom. Room to Bloom is not responsible for the services or work performed by outside contractors or personnel.

  • At a client’s request, we will help facilitate the engagement of other service providers (installers, movers, carpenters, contractors, etc.). Clients must contract directly with and pay all such service providers. Room to Bloom is not liable or responsible for, and clients agree to hold us harmless for the actions or performance of other service providers.

  • Room to Bloom is not responsible for any damage done to the property or worksite by third party providers or contractors. 


  • Clients give us license and permission to use, without remuneration, testimonials they provide and before and after photos of their premises, taken with their permission, in our marketing materials, which may include print and online advertising.

  • Clients will be identified by first name, last initial, location and job (i.e. Kathryn G., Aventura, – Office) or an alias, if preferred and requested.

  • Your personal information will never be sold or distributed.


  • Room to Bloom shall not be responsible for any costs or delays resulting in whole or in part from causes beyond its control and/or without the fault or negligence of it or its subcontractors, including (without limitation) stoppages and strikes, acts of God, natural disaster, failure of a public agency to act in a timely manner, and/or acts of the Client or anyone or entity retained by Client 


  • Client agrees that the aggregate maximum liability to client for any reason and for any and all claims or causes of action, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, including (without limitation) injuries to persons, property, claims, losses, expenses, damages, legal fees or costs and claims expenses, whether arising out of room to bloom’s breach of contract or warranty, indemnity, negligence, strict liability or other tort or statutory causes, or otherwise related to the formation of this contract or the services, will not exceed the amount that client paid to room to bloom  for the services.

  • Room to Bloom is only responsible for items in our immediate care, custody, and control. 

  • Room to Bloom is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage to items or surroundings, as result of a specific client request.

  • Clients are asked to remove and secure firearms and other “private” personal items from work areas before work begins.


  • Client agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Room to Bloom and each of its members, managers, employees and agents, for, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including attorney fees) arising out of or relating to the actions of client, or of any client’s agents or representatives relating to the services provided by room to bloom. This indemnification obligation shall not apply to claims arising from the gross negligence or intentional misconduct of Room to Bloom. 


  • Neither party may assign their rights or obligations under The Client Contract or these Terms and Conditions. The Agreement may be amended only by a written agreement signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought.  If a provision of the Agreement is determined to be unenforceable in any respect, the enforceability of the provision in any other respect and of the remaining provisions of this Agreement will not be impaired. The Agreement will be binding on the parties and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, and permitted assigns, and will insure to their benefit. The parties do not intend to confer any right or remedy on any third party This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Oregon, without giving effect to any conflict-of-law principle that would result in the laws of any other jurisdiction governing this Agreement. Any action, suit, or proceeding arising out of the subject matter of this Agreement will be litigated in courts located in Deschutes County, Oregon.  Each party consents and submits to the jurisdiction of any local, state, or federal court located in Deschutes County, Oregon. The prevailing party in any action concerning this Agreement will be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney fees and costs, both at trial and on appeal.  The Agreement (including the proposal and/or contract documents) contain the entire understanding of the parties regarding the subject matter of the Agreement and supersede all prior and contemporaneous negotiations and agreements, whether written or oral, between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. The Agreement may be signed by counterparts.


  • Room to Bloom reserves the right to revise these Terms and Conditions at any time. Notice of any changes will be provided to clients, and continued use of our services constitutes acceptance of the new terms.Room to Bloom reserves the right to terminate the Client Contract, its services or withdraw from an organizing project at any time, with or without cause, including for client’s failure to comply with the Client Contract or these Terms & Conditions.

  • These terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Oregon, United States of America, and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the state of Oregon.

By engaging the services of Room to Bloom LLC, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.