Montessori Inspired Children’s Spaces

Montessori-inspired organized play corner - Educational toy storage and child-friendly learning space design in Bend.

The Magic of Montessori Spaces

Child-Centric Design: The Montessori method emphasizes creating environments that are child-centric, encouraging exploration, learning, and independence. Room to Bloom will work closely with you and your child to design a space that reflects their interests, abilities, and developmental needs, promoting a sense of ownership and empowerment.

Accessible Storage Solutions: In a Montessori-inspired children's space, everything has its place, and everything is accessible to the child. We'll design storage solutions that are child-friendly and easy to reach, allowing your little one to take an active role in maintaining order and organization in their environment.

Promoting Independence: Independence is a cornerstone of the Montessori philosophy. By organizing your child's space in a way that encourages self-directed activity and exploration, we'll empower them to take charge of their environment, develop practical life skills, and build confidence in their abilities.

Life Skills Development: From dressing themselves to tidying up after playtime, the Montessori method emphasizes the importance of teaching children practical life skills that foster independence and self-reliance. We'll create a space that facilitates the development of these skills, providing age-appropriate tools and opportunities for your child to learn and grow.

Montessori organized classroom in Bend - Professional educational space design and learning materials management.

Tailored Solutions by a Montessori Teacher

Jenna is excited to weave her background in Montessori into organizing the spaces for the young humans in your life.  With over a decade of experience as an AMI certified Montessori Educator, Jenna has a deep understanding of the principles and practices that make Montessori environments so effective for children's development.

Throughout her 10 years of teaching in Montessori classrooms, Jenna honed her skills in creating organized, engaging, and nurturing learning environments. She observed firsthand how thoughtfully arranged spaces can foster independence, creativity, and a love of learning in children.  We believe that an organized space can lead to a more mindful and harmonious life, and we are dedicated to helping our clients achieve this balance. 

Room to Bloom can also offer the additional service of working with your child on their space to help foster autonomy and agency.  Please contact us for more information.

Montessori Inspired Organization in Bend, Oregon